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Protein,Carbohydrates and Fat

Most important nutrients needed by out body for growth,development and energy are protein,carbohydrates and fat.Everyone knows about them from their childhood but few people are aware about them, that why are they important and what are their uses and how much we need them for weight loss and bodybuilding and fitness.This article will give you detailed information about them and their uses.


Protein is the  most essential macro nutrient needed by body for growth and maintenance of muscle tissue.That is why it is very often  and useful macro nutrient for bodybuilders.When you ask a bodybuilder that what is most important for bodybuilding ,then they will say protein.Protein is found mostly in dietary and animal products  and also in nuts and legumes.Protein has 400 calories in per 100 gram.15%-16% of average person's body weight is made by protein.Protein makes you strong and pack on body muscles.Body needs protein for growth like muscle building,recovery from injury or surgery and other growth and recovery process.
Protein is made up of amino acid that basically comes from food.Amino acid is simple organic compound needed by our body for muscle building and saving.When you eat protein ,it breaks down  into amino acids and then they again recombine and do their final work of muscle building.Muscles will loose if there is there is lack of amino acids in body.Our body cannot produce essential amino acids so we need to eat them from foods like raisins,almond,sunflower seeds,avocados,and wheat.
Per day protein need for a average person is at least 57 gm or 0.9 gm of per kg body weight for men and 47 gm for women or 0.6 gm of per kg body weight.For body builders,the amount of protein increases from 2-3 gm of per kg body weight.If a person's(bodybuilder"s) weight is 70 kg then he will need (70*2=140)140 gm of protein per day.
The best time to take(consume)protein is,in the breakfast or in the dinner.Protein is mandatory after workout but to fulfill its per day need you can also have it in the morning or before sleeping at night.The reason behind it is that in the morning if you provide protein to your body muscles then their growth  and recovery will be good.If someone is trying to build muscles then they should have some protein after their dinner because the body produces testosterone(muscle building hormone) while sleeping , so having protein before sleeping is helpful for muscle building.


Carbohydrates are the energy providing macro nutrients in  human body, which means they provide energy to our body.Carbohydrates mainly contains carbon,hydrogen and oxygen in it.Carbohydrates are most important for body as it is the energy source of body and it have many other function too like healthy brain and nervous system functioning in body.A low card diet can lead to many serious health issues.But carbohydrates are very confusing nutrients in the world of fitness as many people says that carbohydrates can lead to weight gain.Yes,it is true but everything is all about correct knowledge and information.Basically carbohydrates can increase body fat when they are consumed in excess.Our body stores carbohydrates as fat when it can not burn it.Workout needs lots of energy and carbohydrates provide energy to the body.In your daily diet plan more than 50% -60%of your calories should come from carbohydrates.
           Carbohydrates is basically consist of sugar,starch and fiber.These all three have their own functions in body and are very essential. Basically carbohydrates are divided into two categories simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates.Fiber and starch are complex carbohydrates while sugar is a simple carbohydrates.There is lots of confusion between these two as some people will say that complex carbohydrates will make you fat.But the main thing that you should remember that refined carbs like sugar,soft drinks,processed juice etc are bad for health as they increases blood sugar level and increases body fat.Most of the food items contains carbs in it.Let us talk about simple and complex carbohydrates in detail.

1-Simple carbohydrates

Simple carbohydrates are quick digestible and  breakdowns easily to  get converted in glucose to provide energy to the body.Simple carbohydrates are basically sugar.Foods like milk products and fruits contains simple carbs.Simple carbohydrates are also presented in processed food like table sugar,packed cookies,packed juice etc are all examples of bad carbohydrates and contains simple carbohydrates in it.The processed carbohydrates are bad for health not all the simple carbohydrates are bad.Processed simple carbohydrates are low in their nutrition value that is why they are less healthy. Many people believe that simple carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels as hey are sweet in taste but the reality is ,spiking of blood sugar level depends on its Glycemic index.If a food has high Glycemic index about 100 then it will increase blood sugar level and if a food has low Glycemic index ,below than 52 then it will not spike blood sugar level.The range of healthy Glycemic index is 56-69.When GI reaches 70 and above it spikes blood sugar level very rapidly.
 Sweet fruits like bananas,apples,grapes etc and many vegetables all contain simple carbohydrates in it and they are also rich in many essential vitamins and minerals.Avoiding such food items just because of  carbohydrates is not a good idea.Food should be avoided on the basis of their  Glycemic index.So the bottom  line is that ,only processed simple carbohydrates like soda,cookies,table sugar,energy drink,ice cream etc are bad for health,not all of them which contain simple carbohydrates.

2-Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates are mainly starch and fiber.These carbohydrates are slow digestible which means they  slowly breakdowns to get converted into glucose to provide energy.Complex carbohydrates  does not spike blood sugar level as they breakdowns slowly.Complex carbohydrates also makes you feel full,it means after eating complex carbohydrates you will not feel hungry frequently as they gets digested slowly and they provide constant energy to the body.Fiber  has many health benefits like maintaining blood sugar level,normalize bowel movements,lowers cholesterol.Starch also have these kinds of health benefits without any harm like weight gain or something.This the reason(sugar) behind the fact that why people gives priority to complex carbohydrates over simple one.Starch are also well known for muscle building.So if someone is trying to loose weight and gain muscle then eat complex carbohydrates ,but do not think that simple carbohydrates are bad,they are also important .


Fats is an important micro nutrient needed by the human body.In the time of digestion fat breakdowns into fatty acids and used by the body for different purposes.But when it comes to fat people avoid it as it effects the cholesterol level of body,as single gram of fat contain 9 calories which is more than double as compared to protein and carbohydrates as they contain 4-4 calories each in single gram.This is the reason why people avoid fat,for fitness and weight loss programs.But this is not the right thing to do as our body needs fat.Dietary fats are essential as protein and carbohydrates as fats gives energy and helps in absorbing many nutrients,they makes our bones and muscles strong and also helps in weight loss.Yes,they help in weight loss.People in fitness program,avoid fat because they believe that eating fat will make then fat.But this theory is not correct as fat is not only helps in weight loss,it has also many other health benefits.Fats contains energy which our body needs,so the correct knowledge of fats is very helpful..The only thing that every one needs to know is good fat and bad fat.Fats are basically divided into two categories good fat and bad fat.

1-Good fat

Good fats are categorized as unsaturated fats which includes monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.These fats does not solidify at room temperature like pure cooking oil. Fats presented in nuts(like walnuts,almond,cashew etc),seeds,fish,flax seeds.Per day limit of healthy fat intake is 40 gm - 60 gm.These fats are healthy and lowers LDL(bad cholesterol) and increases HDL(good cholesterol).More HDL lowers the risk of heart disease.Adding healthy fats in your diet is a good step towards fitness.So whenever you want to eat some fat then always have some unsaturated fat as they are important part of meal and have many health benefits.

2-Bad fat

Fat which harms the body and increases bad cholesterol in body is said to be bad fat.This type of fat also increases risk of heart disease and body fat.We should not eat this type of fat as it is very harmful for health.
       Saturated fats are one of the part of bad fat.Saturated fats are solid at room temperature and melts down when gets heated.Saturated fat increases bad cholesterol in body which leads to heart disease and rise in body fat percentage.Saturated fat includes dairy fat products like cream and butter,animal products,fat presented in red meat,whole milk.Saturated fats are no doubt very tasty,so the good news is that you don't need to cut them completely from your diet.They can be eaten in moderation.In a daily diet plan 5%-6% or your calories should come from saturated fats,which means 15-16 gm.
        Trans fat or hydrogenated fat are the worst fats as they are the artificial  fats that are created in industries.Trans fats are found in animal products in very small amount and it is quite acceptable.But artificial trans fats are not acceptable,which are found in hydrogenated vegetables oil.They increase the risks of heart diseases. Hydrogenated fats are the fats that you should actually avoid.


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